“Nothing will work unless you do.”

– Maya Angelou

Ideal Coaching Relationship


Multiple studies have emphasized how essential a compatible match between coach and client is to the effectiveness of coaching. Without it, the trust and relationship required for optimal results cannot develop. 2, 3, 4

A client’s positive expectations and willingness to develop are also important components to an effective coaching experience.3, 4

Through personal experience, EC&C agrees wholeheartedly with these wise assertions. Your success is of utmost importance, and said success begins with the optimal match and mindset.


To determine if Ernst Coaching & Consulting is a good match for you, ask yourself these questions:

Do you have desire for and dedication to sustainably developing yourself?

Are you open to being courageous and transparent in a safe, confidential coaching partnership?

Do you have a growth mindset, meaning you believe your talents can be developed through effort, good strategies, and input from others?5

If so, stop by the Contact and Begin section to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.

Just to clarify, arriving to coaching with your goals in place is not necessary.  We will partner together regardless of where you’re starting in the journey.  Whether that is to start by identifying your desired state and a pathway to get there, or to join in the journey you have already begun and are seeking a travel companion.

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