“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.”
– Plutarch
Why Coaching?
Are you on fence about coaching? Totally understandable, as we too were once on said fence before reading the evidence and experiencing the positive results firsthand. Evidence in the coaching field is growing in quality and quantity. EC&C believes in learning from and sharing research when and where it’s helpful.
Whether you’re looking to hurdle the fence and engage a coach, to share with your organization as support for your request for sponsorship, or to just learn more, you’ll find some interesting evidence below.
75% of Participants and Stakeholders from the study sample indicated the value of coaching was “considerably greater” or “far greater” than the money and time invested.6
Evidence to Support Coaching
Coaching can result in numerous positive outcomes for individuals, such as improved resilience, increased work and life satisfaction, and better leadership skills, as well as positive organizational level outcomes.7 Click the arrows below to scroll through the tables, which are organized by categories, outcomes, and audiences.